Project Management with Admaner

The Marketing Project Manager Admaner helps Marketing teams & Agencies to collaborate and create advertising projects from briefing to launch. With Admaner you will manage your advertising projects faster, smarter & together with your team.

For Marketing teams and Agencies

If you are working in an agency or in marketing department, this tool will help you to create your ads faster, smarter and together with your team.

Why a Project Management tool is important

Because your inbox is not a project management tool.

Because all project members always have access to all project data incl. briefings, proposals, comments and assets, allowing seamless handovers and replacements.

Because a Marketing Project Manager allows you to get one-click approvals for every asset you need to align internally or externally.

Because all assets are automatically stored in an asset database.

Because finally you have a tool to get insights on how many projects you have, who works on them and what status they are in.

Why you should use Admaner

Because Admaner is the only Marketing Project Management tool allowing Agencies and Marketing teams to truly collaborate. All assets are shared in the same tool between the marketing team and the agency.

Because Admaner is the only Project Managment Tool specifically written for Advertising & Marketing projects collaboratively created by Marketing teams and Agencies.

Because it allows you to manage multiple projects simultaneously and still be on top of everything.

Get a tour through the Admaner Marketing Project Manager to understand why Marketing teams & Agencies prefer this tool for their daily work.
Request a demo or start with a 14-day free trial period.